ask wiltshire: putting families first

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Working Women: Non-Stop Dynamos!

As blogged by 'parentdish' today new research into the lives of working Mums in the UK has 'revealed that many spend an average of three hours on the go before they even get to work'.

As a 'working Mum' myself it is so true. My day usually begins by 7am (sometimes earlier) and before leaving the house around 9am I have usually fed/changed/dressed & entertained my toddler, unloaded the dishwasher, cleared down any overnight work emails, got myself showered/dressed/vaguely made-up/fed & cleaned my teeth, packed my Son's nursery bag, hung the washing on the line ... need I go on!?

Parentdish report "The study, for Hovis Wholemeal Breakfast Week, questioned 1,000 mums working outside the home about their morning routine. It found them engaged in thrilling tasks including ironing, making the bed and styling their children's hair. Sixty percent of women of women said that their day is well under way by 7am, and rarely slows until they go to bed just before 11pm. But the good news is that we're using around 500 calories simply by doing these pre-work chores and getting the family ready – the equivalent to over one hour on a bicycle." It goes on"Unfortunately, despite their action-packed schedules, a quarter of working mums (25%) admit that they regularly go without breakfast; whilst 59% of those that eat it, spend less than five minutes doing so and 32% don't even sit down. Almost half of mums (48%) cite a lack of time as a reason to skip breakfast, whilst almost one in seven say they do so to lose weight. But despite many missing breakfast themselves, British mums are spending an average of 18 minutes preparing breakfast or lunch for their families before work. On average, working mothers spend only six minutes on their own make-up in the morning, in contrast to 28 minutes spent dressing their children, styling their hair and helping them to clean their teeth."

Go to Parentdish to read the full blog post

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