ask wiltshire: putting families first

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Children's Centres in Wiltshire

Listed on our ask wiltshire website we have complete details of SureStart Children's Centres across the community areas of Wiltshire. To search a Children's Centre in your area, please visit our website:

What is a Children's Centre? The main purpose of a Children's Centre is to provide support for parents, carers and their under 5's so that all children can be happy, healthy and achieve great things in life. The Government's vision is for a Children's Centre in every community. Currently there are 29 Children's Centres in Wiltshire.

Some Children's Centres have nurseries or pre-schools running alongside; many offer drop-in facilities, Stay and Play sessions, breastfeeding support groups, Family Learning programmes, Dad's Groups, Health Visitor Clinics, Jobcentre Plus advice about job opportunities and training, parenting groups, access to information from other services such as ask, CAB and Home-Start along with other groups and services which are helpful to local families.

The aim of Sure Start Children’s Centres is to improve outcomes for all children. They are a vital part of the Government’s ten-year childcare strategy to enable all families with children to have access to an affordable, flexible, high-quality childcare place for their child.

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