ask wiltshire: putting families first

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Parent and Carer Childcare Survey 2010

Wiltshire Council Childcare Survey

"Do you have a child or children aged 0-14 (under 18 with a difficulty or disability)? If so, please complete this questionnaire for the chance to win one of ten £20 book tokens! There is also a survey for children and young people at Please encourage your child/children to complete it.

Wiltshire Council has a duty to assess whether there are sufficient childcare facilities in Wiltshire to enable parents to work or train leading to work as far as reasonably practicable. Your views will be invaluable in helping us to carry out that assessment. The Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Report will be available for consultation on the Wiltshire Council website from November 2010 to February 2011. The finished report will be published in March 2011."

This is a Wiltshire Council Survey and not an ask wiltshire survey but we hope you find the link useful:

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